Haddrell’s Manuka Honey (MGO 1200+) (UMF 25+) 250g


People have enjoyed Haddrell’s premium mānuka honey since 1993. This award-winning honey is highly prized and sold by boutique retailers around the world.


Every pot of Haddrell’s mānuka honey has been crafted by masters of perfection. The Haddrell’s own team takes care of every step of the journey from hive to pot.


Haddrell’s dedication to creating industry standards led them to help set up the UMF™ Honey Association. The UMF™ quality mark guarantees authentic, monofloral mānuka honey.


Haddrell’s own and sustainably manage 10,000 beehives in some of New Zealand’s best mānuka forests; the largest single mānuka tree plantation in New Zealand.

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